Firstly I hope good for all of you
Job Description: The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL is allotment of the ETH Domain. It employs about 500 bodies alive on the acceptable use and aegis of the landscapes and habitats and a respon-sible access to administration accustomed hazards. The GIS accumulation of the Research Unit Land Resource Assessment develops and accouterments abstracts models and methods for able accumulator and retrieval of multilingual attributes aegis abstracts and is alms a
You will advance the abstract foundations and an accomplishing abstraction for an appliance to action spatial queries in chatty terms, analyze its accomplishing as a software antiquity and broadcast your after-effects in an all-embracing accurate context. You will be enrolled as a PhD apprentice at the University of Zurich.
Your qualifications: Master amount in computer science, geoinformatics, linguistics or a accompanying domain; accustomed with Semantic Web technologies (OWL) and with software development (Java, J2EE); absolute accurate assignment style; acceptable abilities in German or French. Experience in relational databases as able-bodied as in GIS are an advantage.
Application Deadline 15July2010
For added information
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