Scholarships for Master’s and PhD Candidates from Africa, Brazil and Germany: Call for Proposals for the Pilot Project: Future Trilateral Cooperation within the scope of cooperation in higher education between Germany, Brazil, and the countries of lusophone Africa
What are the project goals?
The German Academic Exchange Service aims to strengthen cooperation in higher education between Germany, Brazil and countries of ...........
lusophone Africa. To support the mobility of junior scientists from lusophone Africa as well as Brazilian and German lecturers and scientists, such Trilateral Cooperation will be initiated by means of a Pilot Project in 2009. A six-month research stay at German universities will be offered for African Master’s and PhD candidates. At the same time Brazilian and African university teachers and scientists will get the opportunity to carry out their own research projects for up to three months and will supervise and support the young African scientists at participating German universities. Furthermore short-term lectureships will be funded for German scientists in the relevant target regions. In 2010, the Pilot Project will lead to extensive cooperation between the universities and scientists taking part in the project.
What is funded?
1. Short-term Research Scholarships for African Master’s and PhD Candidates
The monthly scholarship instalment for short-term research stays at German universities amounts to a maximum of 1,000 euros over a period of up to six months, plus an additional travel allowance.
2. Research Stays for University Teachers and Scientists from Abroad
The monthly scholarships for university teachers and scientists from Brazil and lusophone Africa, respectively, amount to a maximum of 2,240 euros and are dependent on the applicant’s academic status. A travel allowance is also provided. Funding is limited to a maximum stay of three months at a German university. In addition to their own research activities, the scientists will also support and supervise the African short-term scholarship recipients within the project.
3. Short-term Lectureships for German Scientists
Applications can be submitted for accommodation and subsistence costs of up to 2,137 euros (in Africa) and 2,600 euros (in Brazil) for short-term lectureships by German scientists in both target regions. In addition a travel allowance will be paid. The funding is limited to a term of one to three months.
4. Support and Supervision Funds for German universities
Upon application, German universities will receive flat-rate funding (amounting to 60 euros per month and scholarship recipient) to supervise and tutor the shortterm scholarship recipients within the scope of this project. If more short-term scholarship recipients (minimum of six) are accepted, the respective university may apply for more funding for tutorial means and resources.
5. Material and Organisation Costs
Universities that accept a minimum of six scholarship recipients may, within the scope of the Trilateral Cooperation scheme, apply for the funding of training workshops for lecturers, supervision, etc. Applications for “Cooperation Workshops” are open to universities that clearly show a strong interest in a future Trilateral Cooperation Project. Funding of up to 10,000 euros per workshop can be approved.
Future cooperation between universities in Germany, Brazil, and lusophone Africa are to be initiated and/or structurally consolidated by combining the various mobility components. This initial seed funding is limited to the fiscal year 2009.
Application Deadline
The application deadline for short-term research scholarships, research stays, and short-term lectureships is 22 May 2009 (postal stamp). All necessary papers and documents must be included for consideration of the application. The DAAD will send the invitation to submit the application for Supervision and Support Funding and Material and Organisation Costs to the respective universities as from July 2009.
Further Scholarship Information and Application (PDF)