Research Degree Studentship at The University of Northampton

Full Time Research Degree Studentship
Growing up sustainably? Young people and ‘sustainable’ urban development

£12 500 per annum (including £1000 research expenses budget) and tuition fees for 3 years

The University of Northampton invites applications for a 3-year PhD studentship, to support a research project investigating impacts of ‘sustainable’ urban development upon children and young people’s everyday geographies and environmental behaviours.

The successful applicant will be based in the Centre for Children and Youth, a nationally flagged centre of excellence based at The University of Northampton. Supervisory support and research training shall be provided by staff from the Centre for Children and Youth and from the University’s Field of Environmental Science (based in the School of Applied Sciences).

The Doctoral research project will entail a programme of quantitative and qualitative research regarding new urban developments in the English East Midlands. It is envisaged that this research will entail:
short, semi-structured interviews with young people;
in-depth, qualitative projects with young people (perhaps involving discussion groups, diary-work or visual methods);
consultation with key decision-makers and planners involved in local processes of ‘sustainable’ urban development.

It is anticipated that the research project will lead to new empirical/theoretical understandings relating to one or more of the following areas: sustainability; environmental behaviours; nature-society relations; youth; urban development.

Applicants should possess a good Honours or Masters Degree in Geography or a cognate discipline. They should have demonstrable experience of qualitative and quantitative social research, and a commitment to researching with young people.

Deadline for applications: 09:00 GMT, 11th August 2008

It is intended that interviews will be held during the last two weeks of August 2008.
Start date: September/October 2008
For an application pack, please email: david.watson[a-t], or call 01604 892812.
Additional informal enquiries can be made to john.horton[a-t]
Please quote reference: UN08SUSTAIN

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PhD Scholarships Asymmetries in Cultural Information Flows - University of Heidelberg

The Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows” at the University of Heidelberg is offering;

2 PhD scholarships within the Junior Research Group “Asymmetries in Cultural Information Flows: Europe and South Asia in the Global Information Network since the Nineteenth Century”.

The PhD students will be expected to develop a PhD project with the Junior Research Group’s research focus. The research group primarily examines how the emergence of a global telecommunication network in the late nineteenth century altered information flow patterns between South Asia and Europe and transformed action and event horizons on both sides of the communication process.

The PhD students will work within the framework of these subprojects:

“‘Telegram Style’: Shifts in Transcultural Knowledge and Colonial Decision-Taking” (British colonial history, South Asian history and/or communication studies)
“Shifting Horizons: The Local Impact of Telegraphy in Nineteenth-Century South Asia” (History, South Asian Literature/). Mastery of a local language will be necessary.

General information on the Cluster of Excellence can be found at It is highly recommended to contact the JRG leader, Roland Wenzlhuemer, to obtain further details about the research design of the Junior Research Group and the subprojects.

Applicants will have an excellent academic standing and be interested in completing a doctoral degree at the University of Heidelberg. Applicants are required to hold a Masters degree or equivalent by 1 October 2008. The positions available are open to both EU and overseas students.

The scholarships will start on 1 October 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter. They are awarded for two years with a possible renewal for another year after successful evaluation. The scholarship includes a stipend of EUR 1.000 per month and access to travel funds. Applications from women, ethnic minorities and individuals with disabilities are encouraged. For further information please contact roland.wenzlhuemer[a-t]

Please send a CV, copies of university degrees, two letters of recommendation and a short PhD project outline of no more than 1.000 words to the address below. Electronic applications are welcome. Interviews will begin on 18 August 2008 and continue until the positions are filled.

Contact details for enquiries and submission of application:
Dr. Roland Wenzlhuemer
Centre for British Studies
Mohrenstrasse 60
10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 30 2093 5330
Email: roland.wenzlhuemer[a-t]

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PhD Studentship in Chemical Engineering - University College London

PhD Studentship: Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award
Modelling Rupture of CO2 Pipelines
Department of Chemical Engineering

Reducing carbon dioxide emissions is considered to be the most effective way of tackling the effects of global warming. This will require the large-scale capture, transportation and storage of CO2. In the case of coal fired power generation plants, pressurised pipelines are considered to be the most practical, and possibly the only option for transporting the captured CO2 for subsequent storage.

Given the enormous amounts of CO2 contained in such pipelines (typically several million tonnes), a prior knowledge of the release rate and subsequent dispersion in the event of pipeline rupture is central to assessing the failure impact. CO2 is toxic and when inhaled in large concentrations can lead to asphyxiation.

This exciting PhD project aims to extend our award winning work to develop a computer based model for predicting the failure consequences of CO2 pipelines. The project carried out in close collaboration with a major industrial partner is multidisciplinary involving a variety of subjects including, fluid mechanics, mathematics, heat transfer, quantitative risk assessment and computing. The experience gained is expected to equip theprospective PhD graduate with job opportunities in a variety of industrial sectors particularly in the oil and gas industry.

The successful candidate will be an outstanding First Class Chemical Engineering or Mathematics graduate (although other relevant disciplines will be considered) preferably with computing skills. The funding covers full tuition fees plus maintenance over three years and is open to suitably qualified overseas students.

UCL is consistently classed amongst the top Universities in the world. The UCL Chemical Engineering department in particular received the highest research rating in the most recent Government funded Research Assessment Exercise placing it amongst the only three such departments in the UK.

C.V’s should be sent either by post or email as soon as possible to:
Professor Haroun Mahgerefteh
Department of Chemical Engineering
University College London
Torrington Place
London WC1E 7JE
Tel: 020 7679 3835

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